Create New Report from a Preset Form
Coplogic™ Ethos allows you to use a previously-created preset form as a base when creating a new report.
For information on creating a preset form, see Save a Report as a Preset Form. |
Select the appropriate report form using one of the following methods.
From the left pane Select the desired form under New Reports. From the report queue page Click Create New Report at the top of the report queue and select the desired form from the drop-down menu. The following image is an example. The forms you see in Ethos will be more specific to your agency. -
When the form opens, click the Overlay Preset icon at the top of the page. .
Ethos displays your saved preset forms in a list.
From the list, select the preset form you want to use as a template for your new report.
Ethos fills in the form fields with the same data as in your preset form.
- Edit or complete fields as needed.
- When you have finished filling out the form and all validation rules have been met, click Issue Citation or Submit (depending on type of form).