
The Analytics feature allows users with the appropriate permissions to set up and view data visualization dashboards.

A data visualization dashboard is a group of pictorial representations of data as gleaned from your agency's forms. The visualizations usually take the form of a chart, graph, data table, or even a map. These visualizations can provide at-a-glance snapshots of data that can be useful in helping you track activity and identify trends.

You can create as many visualizations as you need to depict your data. You can also build as many dashboards as you need. For example, you can have one dashboard that depicts only crash data, another dashboard that depicts only violation data, and a third dashboard that depicts officer statistics. You can configure the visualizations that appear on each dashboard to reflect data by a count (number of records), by a percentage, by date/time, by type of violation, and so on.

The image shown below is an example of a dashboard reflecting 12 views of different types of data.